Redwood Siding

A custom house has beautiful redwood siding and soffits. The house also features custom-designed, curved windows.

Contact Keith at 800-435-1236 for a redwood price quote

$800 Minimum Order

Great quality at fair prices.

Redwood Siding

Redwood Siding with stucco accents on a modern house.
Redwood Tongue & Groove  Siding

Redwood siding is combined with stucco accent surfaces in a modern home.

Redwood bevel siding on a rustic two storey home.
Redwood Bevel Siding

Clear All Heart redwood bevel siding is a natural for this rustic two story home.

All heartwood redwood siding applied vertically.
Redwood All Heartwood Siding

All heartwood B Grade redwood siding applied vertically.

A redwood home in a wooded setting.
Redwood  Siding—A Natural

Heart B Grade siding is a natural for this home in the woods.

Redwood siding is a natural for this modern home.
Redwood Siding Modern Design

Redwood siding adds a warm feeling to this modern home.

Redwood siding with a curved roof on a contemporary home.
Redwood Siding

Redwood siding contributes to the modern design of this contemporary home.

All heartwood redwood siding applied vertically.
Redwood All Heartwood Bevel Siding

Clear All Heart redwood siding applied horizontally.

Redwood Tougue and Groove siding applied vertically.
Tongue & Groove Redwood Siding

Redwood tongue and groove siding is applied vertically.

Redwood bevel siding on a rustic two storey home.
Redwood Siding Simply Beautiful

Durable redwood siding makes the simplest design stand out.

Ordering Redwood Siding

You can order any standard redwood siding pattern from Redwood Lumber & Supply Company (see CRA's Redwood Lumber Patterns No. 17). This includes redwood tongue & groove siding, plain bevel siding, rabbeted bevel siding, shiplap siding and many more. For each of these redwood siding patterns, we can provide a suitable redwood grade for almost any situation.

All redwood siding patterns are available with smooth-surfaced or resawn faces. For standard California Redwood Association patterns see the CRA's Redwood Lumber Patterns No. 17.

The cover of California Redwood Association's publication: Redwood Siding Patterns No. 17. The most recent edition of this standard guide.
Redwood Lumber Patterns No. 17

Redwood Grade Options

Whether you are seeking an economical redwood lumber product that's to be painted or whether you are looking for the highest quality stain grade, we offer our Construction Heart/Select Exposed (Rustic Tight Knot) redwood through Clear All Heart redwood and every grade in between.

Line drawings show the difference in lumber with vertical grain (staight lines) and flat grain (wavy lines). Not only is there a visual difference, there is a performance difference.

For a description of the standard redwood grades as defined by the Redwood Inspection Service see Redwood Grades & Uses. You'll find pictures of the grades below on this page.

Example of the boards found in Clear All Heart grade redwood.
Clear All Heart Grade Redwood

Clear All Heart Grade Redwood Finest architectural heartwood grade, normally Certified Kiln Dried (also available unseasoned), well manufactured, free of defects one face (reverse face may have slight imperfections). Available surfaced or saw-textured.

Example of the boards found in Clear grade redwood.
Clear Grade Redwood

Same general quality as Clear All Heart except contains sapwood in varying amounts. Some imperfections not permitted in Clear All Heart. Normally Certified Kiln Dried (also available unseasoned). Available surfaced or saw-textured. Clear grade is sometimes called A Grade.

Example of the boards found in Heart B grade redwood.
Heart B Grade Redwood

Quality grade containing heartwood, limited knots and other characteristics not permitted in Clear All Heart. Certified Kiln Dried; also unseasoned. Available surfaced or saw-textured.

Example of the boards found in B grade redwood.
B Grade Redwood

B Grade Redwood Quality grade containing sapwood, limited knots and other characteristics not permitted in Clear. Certified Kiln Dried; also unseasoned. Available surfaced or saw-textured.

Example of the boards found in Construction Heart grade redwood.
Construction Heart/Select Exposed Grade Redwood

A heartwood grade containing tight knots of varying sizes and other slight imperfections. Available seasoned or unseasoned. This highly useful grade can be ordered surfaced or rough.


I can't emphasize enough how pleased we all were with the redwood you provided.

Dale M & Charles M, General Contractors, Mill Valley, CA

A modern home with redwood siding.

Available Redwood Patterns, Grades and Sizes

Redwood Paneling 3/8-inch
Tongue & Groove
Standard & Custom Patterns Available
California Redwood Grades - Kiln Dried
Redwood Grades 3/8x4 3/8x6 3/8x8
Clear All Heart
Mixed Grain
Clear/A Grade
Mixed Grain
Redwood Siding 1/2-inch
Plain & Rabbeted Bevel
Standard & Custom Patterns Available
California Redwood Grades - Kiln Dried
Redwood Grades 1/2x4 1/2x6 1/2x8
Clear All Heart
Mixed Grain
Clear/A Grade
Mixed Grain
Heart B
Mixed Grain
B Grade
Mixed Grain
Redwood Siding 5/8-inch
Plain & Rabbeted Bevel
Standard & Custom Patterns Available
California Redwood Grades - Kiln Dried
Redwood Grades 5/8x4 5/8x6 5/8x8 5/8x10
Clear All Heart
Mixed Grain
Clear/A Grade
Mixed Grain
Heart B
Mixed Grain
B Grade
Mixed Grain
Redwood Siding 3/4-inch
Plain & Rabbeted Bevel
Standard & Custom Patterns Available
California Redwood Grades - Kiln Dried
Redwood Grades 3/4x4 3/4x6 3/4x8 3/4x10 3/4x12
Clear All Heart
Mixed Grain
Clear/A Grade
Mixed Grain
Heart B
Mixed Grain
B Grade
Mixed Grain
Redwood Siding 1-inch
Tongue & Groove
Standard & Custom Patterns Available
California Redwood Grades - Kiln Dried
Redwood Grades 1x4 1x6 1x8 1x10
Clear All Heart
Mixed Grain
Clear/A Grade
Mixed Grain
Heart B
Mixed Grain
B Grade Redwood
Mixed Grain
Construction Heart/Select Exposed
Mixed Grain
Redwood Siding 1-inch
Shiplap & Channel Shiplap
Standard & Custom Patterns Available
California Redwood Grades - Kiln Dried
Redwood Grades 1x4 1x6 1x8 1x10 1x12
Clear All Heart
Mixed Grain
Clear/A Grade
Mixed Grain
Heart B
Mixed Grain
B Grade
Mixed Grain
Construction Heart/Select Exposed
Mixed Grain